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Landscaping Ideas That Are Dog-Friendly

A list of common household objects that I've learned firsthand can be deadly to dogs. See how to easily modify these things when puppy proofing your house.

We received this question about dog chewing from a dog owner on our Facebook Page. Since others may be dealing with the same, or a similar, situation I thought I'd share my reply here -- along with more details that could be helpful to other dog owners.

My dog ate river stones and 2 of them got stuck in his intestines! He survived the operation, and my wallet survived the $1000 bill. Here's what you should do if you think your dog ate some rocks, stones, or pebbles.

You've dog proofed your house, so your dog will be safe INDOORS. Next it's time to dog proof your yard, so your dog will be safe OUTSIDE too. Here's how

Our dogs love to chew on sticks. Much like they like to snap open the shells of peanuts and spit out the crumbs. Here's a little story about one of our dog's and his personal mission to de-shrub our backyard!

Another popular thing that people do with dog poo is Recycle it! Here are instructions to build your own doggie waste compost for use in your backyard.

Need some reasons to pick up poop? Here's a whole list of health reasons & why it's important to pick up your dog's poop! Plus, tips that make picking up dog poop even easier.

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