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Eye Issues With Dogs

We actually call it 'being shy' but you would probably impress your friends better if you called it playing 'peek-a-boo' or something cute. This dog trick simply involves rewarding your dog for putting his paw on his nose. Here's how we taught our dog to play peek-a-boo on command.

These 3 videos contain information that is helpful for new dog owners as well as lifelong dog owners -- like myself. I learned so much from these DVDs... and I've had dogs all my life! I predict these Cesar Millan DVDs will be a lifesaver for lots of dog owners -- especially those who have reached their peak level of frustration and don't know where else to turn.

Stay is one of the most important commands you will ever teach your dog. Here's how to teach your dog to stay.

Who is really the boss in your home... You, or your dog? If you've got more than one dog, which one is the top dog? You need to know this...


My dogs were as confused by 'Heel' as I was. I certainly wasn't teaching them very well. Here's how I incorporated some things from Loose Leash Walking and added my own modifications to get my dogs to understand the concept of 'Heel'. Finally... dog walks are enjoyable again!

With eye contact, all things are possible! Once you've trained your dog to stare at you adoringly whenever you call his name, then ALL forms of training will become much easier. Here's how I taught my dogs to look at me on command...

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