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Dog Training Commands

One of the most important dog commands you can teach your dog is the leave it command. This video demonstrates exactly how to teach your dog to leave it. Once you have mastered the leave command, there are 101 other dog tricks you might want to teach your dog!


This video gives a couple great tips that should keep your dog from running away from you each time he is off the leash. Plus 101 fun dog tricks you can try!

There are lots of reasons that two dogs make sense, but there are also some pitfalls.One of those is dog training! Here are some helpful tips when training two dogs in one household.

Stay is one of the most important commands you will ever teach your dog. Here's how to teach your dog to stay.

With eye contact, all things are possible! Once you've trained your dog to stare at you adoringly whenever you call his name, then ALL forms of training will become much easier. Here's how I taught my dogs to look at me on command...