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Chewing & Destructive Behavior

I've always had dogs. My dogs have never chewed my things. Here's how to teach your dog what's his and what's yours - what he can chew on & what he can't.


Have you been dealing with some bad dog behaviors lately? Is your dog causing you a lot of frustration and heartache? Here's how to prevent and correct your dog's bad habits.

We received this question about dog chewing from a dog owner on our Facebook Page. Since others may be dealing with the same, or a similar, situation I thought I'd share my reply here -- along with more details that could be helpful to other dog owners.

Most people are not aware of the fact that tennis balls can actually be dangerous to dogs. The danger is that when playing fetch with your dog, the ball could get stuck in your dog's throat when he catches it.

My Pomeranian/Yorkie dog is 18 years old and he's lost all of his teeth. Here's how we got through the painful periods when he was losing his teeth and having difficulty eating. Plus tips for caring for a dog with no teeth.

Rawhide bones and dog chews are made from the skin of cows. Rawhide is an inexpensive treat for dogs, and many people keep a stock of these on hand for their pets. However, controversy has been brewing over the safety of these rawhide treats for dogs.

We recently introduced the GoughNuts dog toy to our dog for the first time. Think of it as a 'doughnut' that dogs go nuts for. He immediately LOVED it!

Check out this dog chew toy created in the likeness of Michael Vick. It is being sold to dog owners everywhere in hopes of bringing greater awareness to the issue of animal abuse.

Our dogs love to chew on sticks. Much like they like to snap open the shells of peanuts and spit out the crumbs. Here's a little story about one of our dog's and his personal mission to de-shrub our backyard!

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