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Death And Dying In Dogs

Thousands of dogs get canine parvovirus each year. Of those, 15% will die. Without treatment, 100% will die. What you need to know about dog parvo disease: the symptoms of parvo, how it's spread, and the treatment for parvo.

Pyometra, a serious infection of the uterus, is a potentially deadly condition that affects unspayed female dogs. Symptoms & treatment for pyometra in dogs.

If your dog passes away at home, you have 3 options: vet, crematorium, burial. Here's what you need to know about cremating or burying a dog.


A dog can still get deadly heartworms even if the dog is on a preventative. If you're like me, you still keep your dog on heartworm treatment year round for the following reasons.

If you are faced with a lot of expensive vet bills as the result of caring for a dog emergency, rest assured, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Here are the best ways to find help with vet bills.

A dog memorial is a great way to memorialize your dog after he has passed on. The best part: you can make your own dog memorial any way you want to.

Are you prepared to save your dog's life if he were involved in an accident or became incapacitated due to some other type of health problem or sudden emergency? Here are some of the most common situations that could result in you having to perform CPR on your dog. Plus, see how to do dog CPR.

Here's what you need to know about dog sunburn, doggie skin cancer, and which dogs tend to suffer the most from sunburns. Does your dog have a sunburn? Here are some simple DIY home remedies for dog sunburn.

Hopefully, the next time you're interested in getting a dog you will consider picking your pet from a rescue shelter. But please do some homework first to ensure that your new dog doesn't wind up back at the shelter in a few months.

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