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Clicker Training For Dogs

The following videos show you step-by-step how to teach your dog to sit. Plus, you can teach your dog the down position the same way. Or, you might want to use the clicker method to teach your dog to sit.


Once the basic dog commands have been learned, you may want to teach your dog any number of dog tricks. Here are 5 simple tips for teaching ANY dog ANY trick!

What makes the Clicker Leash unique is the fact that it has a built-in clicker! I tried it with my dog. Here's my list of Clicker Leash pros & cons.

Stay is one of the most important commands you will ever teach your dog. Here's how to teach your dog to stay.

Maybe your dog needs to get a bit more exercise these days, but he doesn't really enjoy playing with toys... Maybe you're trying to get your dog 'ready' for agility training... Maybe you just want to find a new way to interact with your dog by incorporating something FUN into his daily routine... Whatever your motivation, here's how to get your dog interested in a brand new toy -- to the extent that he will do almost anything to be able to play with that toy.

Wouldn't it be great if there were a college degree that could be earned that solely focused on dog training, dog behaviors, and the many ways that we are incorporating dogs into our society these days? It would be called Canine College, and it would help dog lovers everywhere become the most knowledgeable, well-trained, and most responsible dog owners in the country!

Kong toys are the best dog toys... ever! They serve double-duty, as a chew toy, and as a treat-dispenser. Here's a listing of the best things about Kong dog toys, and why every dog owner should have one -- or 4! Kong chew toys for your dog.