I tried dog mints in the past - but they didn't work. So I bought dog mouthwash (Dental Fresh drinking water additive) that got rid of my dog's bad breath!
The true cost of owning a dog - in hard dollars. Plus, how to save money on dog costs from the day you bring your new puppy home. Got a new dog? Start here!
Have a senior dog? Here are the most common health problems in older dogs that you need to be aware of. How to prepare for your senior dog’s final years healthwise.
Wondering how to get help with vet bills? The Brown Dog Foundation is my favorite in TN. See this list of organizations that help pay vet bills by state.
My dog has cancer. Actually, I've had 2 dogs with 2 types of canine cancer. The most recent has canine lung cancer -- but he's happy & healthy 2 years after following a holistic cancer treatment for dogs. See the supplements for dogs with cancer that I've used + The dog cancer diet he eats daily.
Is pet insurance a good idea or not? Well, maybe. But I can make a case for simply having a pet health savings account instead. Here's what you need to know about pet health insurance, pet insurance companies, and tips before you buy dog health insurance.
Getting a Dachshund dog? What you need to know about wiener dogs shedding, digging, back issues, stubbornness, potty training, grooming & exercise needs. Plus how they are with kids.
Struggling with a bad case of dog diarrhea? I used to work at a vet. I've learned a few home remedies for dog diarrhea + When you REALLY need to call the vet
Vet visits are the most expensive aspect of owning a dog. Pet health insurance helps with everything from annual vet visits to surgeries & other emergencies