Food & Treats

How To Make Pooch Smoothies, Yogurt Cups, And Puppy Popsicles For Dogs

I don’t watch the Rachel Ray Show all the time, but I’m glad I channel surfed to her show today because I learned how to make Pooch Smoothies!

They are ice cube sized popsicle treats for your dog (minus the stick).

You might also call them Yogurt Cups for Pups… or Puppy Popsicles.

The best part: They’re made with all the same ingredients you would use to make a Fruit Smoothie for yourself.

These Pooch Smoothies are the easiest things in the world to make!


All you need is:

  • Plain yogurt
  • Honey
  • Banana
  • Fresh fruit berries
  • Water
  • Blender
  • Ice cube tray or small, flat cups

For the most part, the amounts of each are highly flexible. You know, a dash of this, a handful of that…

See the portions Rachel Ray recommends for Pooch Smoothies (even though, when she made ’em on the show, she didn’t measure anything — except for using the entire small container of yogurt).

My favorite fruit for Pooch Smoothies is plain ‘ol strawberries. Mostly because I always have some on hand, because we make strawberry smoothies all the time. (Notice the difference between the “human” and the “dog” versions… you skip the orange juice when making Pooch Smoothies for dogs.)

How To Make Pooch Smoothies

To make the Pooch Smoothies, just add the items in this order into the blender:  small container of yogurt, a touch of honey, one banana broken into pieces, a handful of fresh fruit pieces, a half glass of water.

Blend well. Then pour into an ice cube tray (or small shallow cups) and freeze.

Wa-lah! Once frozen, you’ve got a dozen individual puppy popsicles. Or Pooch Smoothies!

NOTE: Some flavored yogurt packs are made with artificial sweeteners these days. Do NOT give that type of yogurt to your dog. Artificial sweeteners are not good for dogs. However, plain yogurt is!


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