Tricks & Training

Homemade frozen dog treats that are perfect for the hot Summer months. Lots of clever Summer dog products and 101 dog tricks to teach your dog during the dog days of Summer. Fleas and ticks in the Summer months can be a problem — see our best tips and the safest ingredients to look for in flea & tick prevention products. What you need to know about dog sunburn, dog sunscreen, and dog sunglasses (or Doggles). If your dog goes swimming in the Summer months, then you’ll want to know these easy tips for keeping your dog’s ears dry and bacteria free! Plus what you need to know about dogs and life vests when boating… and dog beach tips. Getting a new car this Summer? Check out our favorite dog-friendly vehicles! (New and used cars from all model years.) Plus dog travel tips, motorcycle tips, and clever car accessories that make traveling with your dog easier. (For your dog’s safety, be sure to review the laws about leaving your dog in a hot car — and what you need to know about dogs falling out of car windows!) Rainy day tips for dog owners dealing with muddy paws and smelly dogs. And Summer holiday tips (like fireworks on the 4th of July).