Dog Care 101

New Dog Age Calculator: Don’t Just Multiply By 7, A Dog’s Breed & Size Also Influence Age In Dog Years

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By Carrie

dog-age-birthday-by-janiejonesmt.jpg When figuring dog age, do you multiply how long your dog has been alive by 7?

That is the way I was taught to figure my dog’s age.  I bet you were too.

So, if I multiply my dog’s years alive by 7, my oldest dog would be 28 and my youngest dog would be 21.

Believe it or not, there is a much more accurate way to determine how old your dog’s age is in dog years.  You see, dog age is also influenced by your dog’s breed and size.

Use this dog age calculator to find out your dog’s real age — in dog years.  (Enter your dog’s breed and how long your dog has been alive.)

According to this dog age calculator, my oldest dog is 32 and my youngest dog is between 24 and 32.

Don’t let the numbers on this chart fool you.  It may look like your dog is getting really old fast within the first couple of years.  But after your dog reaches the age of 3, you are only adding 4 years to your dog’s age each year.

So, tell the truth  now.  Have you ever had a Birthday party for your dog?  If not, here’s everything you need to know to host a dog birthday party.  (Plus, 9 more tips here.)

Great tips from someone who’s dog lived over 15 years (or 90 in dog years!): How To Make Sure Your Dog Lives A  Long Healthy Life