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Find A Mobile Vet: See what receiving pet care from a mobile vet who makes house calls is like, a list of services they provide, and how much it costs.

Pressed rawhide bones safety info for dog owners. The most important things you need to know about pressed rawhide vs. regular rawhide bones for dogs.

Like free stuff? If you're frugal like me, you'll enjoy these FREE dog samples - all from dog food & treat manufacturers. No hoops to jump through!

How do veterinarians euthanize a dog? What's the process like? I've had 2 dogs put to sleep recently - here's what it was like. From the perspective of someone who's been through it several times with her own dogs and who's also learned a lot while working in a vet's office.

Preparing for the death of a pet isn't easy, but time with your aging dog is dwindling. That day WILL come. Here's how to plan now for your dog's last days.

Here are 10 interesting facts about dogs that most people don't know. See why these are my favorite Dog Facts vs. Dog Myths to share with new dog owners.

The true cost of owning a dog - in hard dollars. Plus, how to save money on dog costs from the day you bring your new puppy home. Got a new dog? Start here!

The best toys for toothless dogs are those which match your dog's needs the best. If your dog has no teeth, or few teeth, these are the 10 best dog toys to consider.

The Bristly brushing stick is a chew toy that functions as a toothbrush for dogs. See 10 things I like about this dog toothbrush toy + 3 things I don't.