Toys & Activities

This is where we review all the best indestructible dog toys, interactive dog games, long-lasting dog chews, and fun things to do with your dog — so you’ll never have a bored dog on your hands! Dog owners and experts share their all-time favorite dog items and activities — for yourself, your dog, or to give as a gift for a dog owner. Plus, lots of fun dog travel ideas and places to take your dog — either on car rides or on dog walks. Finally, our favorite DIY dog stuff and freebies for dog owners! Not sure where to begin?

Start here –> Fun Dog Stuff 101.

Tax experts reveal actual dog related tax deductions for dog foster parents, dog breeders, guard dog owners, Instagram influencers, and MORE! Plus some funny dog write-off stories, too.

Dog ears are 10x more sensitive, so fireworks are likely to cause your dog some anxiety. 11 ways to keep a dog from stressing + 7 ways to calm a nervous dog

In our house of many dogs, the best dog balls are Splash Bombs - see why! Then Zogoflex Dog Balls, Kong Tennis Balls, Wicked Ball, Omega Tricky Treat Ball.

Does your dog like to play with water bottles or plastic 2-liter bottles? The Tug-A-Jug dog toy is similar... but safer and lots more fun for your dog! It's a multi-faceted, multi-sensory dog toy that dispenses treats.

I use the iBuddy dog cargo cover / dog car hammock to protect my SUV from dog fur, drool, toenail marks. See how I also use it as a dog cargo kennel -- and why I love it!

Do you love your dog?... Do you love your dog enough to marry him -- or her? Lots of people have married their pets... here's the latest buzz about pet weddings.

Even if you don't have any sewing skills (like me) here are 6 DIY dog Halloween costumes you can make yourself with very little effort. See photos + video.

50% of all dog owners celebrate their dog's birthday by throwing a Dog Birthday Party. Here are the fun facts + Fun ideas for hosting a Dog Birthday Party!

Have a dog (or 2 dogs), but no fenced-in yard? You'll enjoy these DIY dog tie-out ideas! See the overhead dog trolley system that we use for our 2 dogs.

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