Dog Care 101

First, some things you need to think about BEFORE bringing your new dog home (like whether you should get a puppy vs. an older dog, which dog breed is best for you, and how to puppyproof your house inside & outside). Then, important things you should do during the very first days home with your new dog that will make potty training and sleeping go a whole lot smoother. Finally, fun ways to get to know your dog better and begin the bonding process. Not sure where to begin with your new dog?

Start here –> Puppy Care 101.


Before you adopt a rescue Greyhound, read this! Here's what you need to know about a Greyhound dog's temperament, appetite, friendliness toward other animals... and people.

Whether you're trying to come up with a clever name for a female dog or a male dog, this is the absolute best name for a dog! You'll amaze your friends (and your vet) if you name your dog this.


Your dog needs to be on a schedule so he knows when he's going outside, when he's going to eat, and when he's expected to sleep. Here's how to get your dog to adapt to a daily routine.


It's best to adopt a dog from an animal shelter rather than buy a dog from a store. But which ones are the best animal agencies? I'll help you find the best places to safely adopt a dog in your area.


Certain dog breeds tend to bark a lot. Other breeds of dogs have a reputation of barking less. There are other lists of barking dog breeds. This is a list of dog breeds that don't bark.

Senior dogs have different nutritional needs as they begin to slow down. photo by normanack on Flickr

As dogs age, their nutritional needs change. To keep your dog healthy through old age, you'll need to adjust your dog's diet. Here's how senior dog foods meet a senior dog's needs.

This is a Goldendoodle - a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. photo by Donnaphoto on Flickr

Hybrid dogs and designer dogs are canines that have purebred parents, but each parent is from a different breed. Here are the downsides of owning a designer dog, and some advantages.

Invisible fence batteries keep your dog safe at home within the invisible fence system. photo by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) on Flickr

Here are the best places to find replacement batteries for your pet containment system, plus time- and money-saving tips for replacing the batteries yourself.

Lost dog poster. photo by Aine D on Flickr

Save this list in case your dog goes missing one day! These tips will help to reunite you with your lost dog in the quickest way possible.

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