Tricks & Training

There are at least 101 cool dog tricks here that you can teach your dog — plus 5 basic dog commands that every dog should know. Teach your dog the 5 basic commands first. Then, move onto the advanced dog tricks, (We’ve taught our own dogs every one of these!) You’ll also find insanely helpful dog training tips to help you put an end to frustrating dog behavior issues. Not sure where to begin?

Start here –> Dog Tricks & Training Tips 101.

All puppies nip and bite at hands, feet, ankles. See the #1 reason you should not allow this behavior any more + How to stop a puppy from nipping & biting.

Dog Jealousy & Aggressive Dog Behavior - see how to stop your dog from being a bully to another dog, being possessive of you, or even being aggressive.

A puppy is never too young to learn basic dog commands. Start puppy training the day you bring your new dog home and use these 5 basic dog commands.

Indestructible Dog Toys: A review of the best rubber dog toys, squeaky dog toys, plush dog toys, flying discs & hard plastic dog toys for serious chewers!

Suddenly our dog refused to walk down stairs in our home. (Hardwood stairs, not carpeted). See my cheap DIY solution - It has worked for us for 10+ years!

How many of the tricks on this list of 101 Best Dog Tricks can your dog do? Does your dog perform any cool tricks that AREN'T on the list? I honestly can't imagine any that have been left off this list!

One way to stop dog barking is to teach your dog the 'Quiet' command. My dog used to bark a lot, until I used these tips to teach him how to be quiet.

Wondering what the safest long lasting dog chews are? I did an experiment with my dogs so I could see for myself. See the 12 best dog chews that last longest.

The following videos show you step-by-step how to teach your dog to sit. Plus, you can teach your dog the down position the same way. Or, you might want to use the clicker method to teach your dog to sit.

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