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Britney Spears And Her Favorite Dogs

(…not counting her soon-to-be-former hubby, Kfed!)

Even though Britney just recently filed for divorce from Kevin Federline, it helps knowing that at least she’s always got her dog!

It’s actually kind of cute, huh?

You know…
“Brit Brit” and her little dog “‘Bit Bit”.

Enjoy the photos!

First, here are a couple of dazzling photos of Britney Spears and her Chihuahua, “Bit Bit” enjoying all of the glitz and the glamor of a red carpet event:

britney-spears-dog-bitfit.jpg britney-spears-dog-bitfit2.jpg
Here’s Britney Spears dodging the cameras with her Maltese, Lacey, in tow:

For awhile there, Britney was taking her dogs everywhere… then came children.


Check out even more great photos of Britney Spears and her dogs here.


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