Articles Tagged:

Camping With Dogs

21 fun places you can take your dog - for an afternoon, a weekend, or on vacation. From drive-thru's that hand out dog treats to dog summer camps!

I’ve researched the 27 cities and 20 states that appear on 5 lists of dog friendly cities to help you decide if you want to move or travel there with your dog!


I've used Frontline Plus to control fleas AND ticks on my dogs for the past 20+ years. I studied the ingredients used in the best dog flea & tick control products. Here are the safest ones that you should look for.

Getting ready to take your dog camping with you? Camping with dogs can be a lot of fun as long as you are prepared. Here's what you need to know.

There is safe medicine for dogs currently in your medicine cabinet. When using people medicine for you dog you, have to make sure that you give the correct dosage based on your dog's weight. Use this list of safe medicine for dogs.

The flea and tick control products you get from your vet are the most effective and safest ones for your dog. They all control fleas, but a few of them control other pests as well. Five flea and tick control products are reviewed here.

I have Lyme Disease. My dog does not. Our vet thought this was odd, because dogs spend much more time closer to the ground and inevitably get a lot more tick bites than we do. Plus, 90% of the time we're outdoors, our dog is usually with us. ...I guess the tick preventative that our dogs have always worn -- Frontline Plus -- really DOES work!


Dog groomers use these super-absorbent towels to literally pull the water out of your dog's coat after bathing. I use these one-of-a-kind microfiber towels for cleaning up doggie messes around the house. Here's more about why these towels are so great...

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