Toys & Activities

Comfort Cruiser Doggie Chin Rest For Dogs That Like To Stick Their Head Out The Car Window

One of the BEST things we ever bought for our big dog was this doggie chin rest called a Comfort Cruiser Window Bumper:

Comfort Cruiser... a window bumper or dog chin rest for car rides.

It reminds me of those noodles that you play with in a swimming pool… only this is a bit softer — and it won’t fall off your rolled down window!

It’s squishy soft like those memory-foam pillows.

It’s also similar to those addictively squishy stress balls.


Dog Car Rides Are More Enjoyable

We got our Comfort Cruiser window chin rest for dogs from PetSmart.

And since that first day we used it, Destin has seemed to enjoy car rides even more. The Comfort Cruiser makes a bumpy car ride less noticeable — from your dog’s point of view.

For comparison, here’s Destin sticking his head out the window WITHOUT the doggie noodle, as I call it:

My dog Destin sticking his head out the car window.


Car Rides Are Safer For Dogs

The Comfort Cruiser window bumper makes car rides much safer for your dog – here’s how:

  • It protects your dog’s neck and chin from the glass edge of the window — in the event of a sudden stop or large bump.
  • It can be cut to fit any car window (or “ledge”) that you wish to put it on.
  • It can be cleaned easily with soap and water — to remove all the dog drool.

The Comfort Cruiser window bumper is a chin rest for dogs that's available from Pet Smart.

The best part is it installs and removes very easily.You just cup it over the window. It’s shaped to perfectly grip the window. (Yes, it’s a much tighter grip than a standard pool noodle!)

dog chin rest - Comfort Cruiser

If you and your dog go on a lot of car rides together, then you need to try this!


The Only Downside…

There is one precaution you should take however when using the Comfort Cruiser dog chin rest for car windows.

The Comfort Cruiser chin rest for dogs.

At speeds over 55 mph, I used to remove the chin rest from the window. (Much to Destin’s disappointment.) The reason: The faster you drive, the more the wind loosens the grip. And eventually, the Comfort Cruiser will just blow off completely and land in the back seat.

However, weeks ago on a mad dash to get somewhere before it closed, I guess we hit speeds of 55 mph — and I had forgotten to remove our dog chin rest from the window.

We ended up losing the Comfort Cruiser that night.


If Your Dog Likes To Stick Their Head Out The Window…

I can personally attest to the fact that yes, dogs can fall out the car window — even with the window mostly rolled up. Mind did! Here’s how it happened.

So now, here’s how we keep our dogs securely inside the vehicle at all times.