Vet Tips For Sick Dogs

Whether your dog is suddenly sick (vomiting, having seizures, itching uncontrollably, etc) or has an ongoing medical issue (like cancer, torn ACL, joint pain, etc), check here for tried and true tips and recommendations from dog experts and veterinarians! See how to make your dog feel better… faster. Plus what you need to know about dog vaccinations, rabies, and kennel cough — as well as routine vet care for heartworms, parvo, mange, allergies, dog flu, and more.

Not sure of what symptoms can be considered life threatening to your dog? Here are some symptoms to watch out for. Also looking for a mobile vet.

Here's what you need to know about dog sunburn, doggie skin cancer, and which dogs tend to suffer the most from sunburns. Does your dog have a sunburn? Here are some simple DIY home remedies for dog sunburn.

Here are the symptoms and treatments for kennel cough -- what to look for, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.

Did you know that you don't always have to take your dog to the vet in order to get a veterinarian's diagnosis -- and maybe even meds -- for your dog's minor health issues? It's true. With any non-emergency doggie ailment, you generally have 3 options.

If your dog is showing a particular symptom or dealing with a doggie ailment, then anything you can show the vet that might be related to 'the problem' will usually be helpful when it comes to diagnosing and/or treating your pet. Here's when you should take samples to the vet... what type of samples to take... and how to gather & transport your samples -- like dog pee or poop.

For dogs that become anxious or nervous whenever they hear loud noises -- such as lightning, thunder, fireworks -- or dogs that experience anxiety whenever they're traveling, being groomed, or at the vet, there are a number of simple and good-smelling things you can do... Dog aromatherapy is famous for its calming effect on dogs... and their owners!