Health & Wellness

Have a sick dog or a specific dog health question? Dog moms and experts share their personal and professional experiences with dog health issues. Lots of home remedies and tips from veterinarians to help your dog get better… fast! Your dog’s overall health and wellness depends 100% on you. Check these important warnings and updates that could affect your dog. Plus a slew of dangerous pet predicaments to avoid at all costs! Not sure where to begin

Start here –> Dog Health & Safety 101.


Get answers to your dog questions right away -- online -- from verified pet experts. What's your dog question?

My dog had diarrhea yesterday. See all the human foods that work as a dog diarrhea treatment, Plus the 1 recipe that cures diarrhea in dogs the quickest.

Acceptable household medications for pets according to vets. Before giving your dog medication, see the correct dose on this list of medicine safe for dogs.

Find A Mobile Vet: See what receiving pet care from a mobile vet who makes house calls is like, a list of services they provide, and how much it costs.

How do veterinarians euthanize a dog? What's the process like? I've had 2 dogs put to sleep recently - here's what it was like. From the perspective of someone who's been through it several times with her own dogs and who's also learned a lot while working in a vet's office.

Preparing for the death of a pet isn't easy, but time with your aging dog is dwindling. That day WILL come. Here's how to plan now for your dog's last days.

I worked at a vet & learned some great home remedies for dog diarrhea! See which home remedy for dog diarrhea works best & when your dog needs to see a vet.

Is a different formula used in 3-year Rabies vaccines versus 1-year Rabies vaccines? Is the 3-year Rabies vaccination dose larger & more dangerous for dogs?

With my dogs, I've used a hard plastic cone collar and other "cone of shame" alternatives. Here are the best alternatives to Elizabethan collars for dogs.

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