Puppyproofing & Dog Safety 101

Puppy proofing is just like baby proofing! You get down on your dog’s level and see what they can see… and reach… and chew on. Dog owners share their personal tips and advice to protect your home (inside and out) from your dog’s teeth & paws AND protect your dog from hidden dangers at home & beyond.

If you've got a dog, then you NEED a pet first aid kit. You don't have to buy one though. You can make your own! Here's what should go in a first aid kit for your dog.

We will be moving into a new house soon. I've asked Suzy Godsey -- who helped us train our dog to stop barking -- for some tips to help us get our through the move, with the least amount of stress. These are her best tips for moving with your dog...

While our human bodies over time can build up a tolerance to nicotine, dogs don't have that ability. Even if a dog eats as few as one or two cigarette butts, it can kill them. I've heard some people claim that cigarette butts are not harmful to dogs, but I've seen nicotine poisoning of a dog firsthand -- and it's not pretty!

Whenever we're preparing for a really bad storm, I make a point to gather the dog's necessities, in addition to our own. Even if you're not officially evacuating, you never know when you when you might need to seek shelter somewhere else at the last minute. Or, you may even have to stay in a public shelter temporarily if the storm wreaks havoc on your entire neighborhood. Here's what to pack for your dog.

You've dog proofed your house, so your dog will be safe INDOORS. Next it's time to dog proof your yard, so your dog will be safe OUTSIDE too. Here's how

If your dog ever leaves the house, then here are some things you should do to assure that you are always prepared should you dog become separated from you -- or lost. And what to do in case of emergency. The best tip: prepare NOW by doing these simple things.

These videos and photos aim tol remind you of the truly horrific consequences that could result if your dog is allowed anywhere near your paper shredder. You could be putting your dog in harm's way and increasing the odds that your dog will accidentally get its tail -- or its tongue -- caught inside the grinders which could cause serious permanent damage to your dog's tongue or tail.

Aside from the typical poisonous plants, antifreeze, and chocolate that we dog owners hear so much about, there are a number of far more common household dangers that dog owners should also be aware of. Here are some other household dangers you should consider:

Is your dog notorious for unspooling the toilet paper from its roll in the bathroom? I just discovered a quick trick which prevents your pet from playing with the toilet paper roll in the future! You'll find yourself asking, 'Now why didn't I think of that?!'