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Our current dog family consists of 2 Beagle-mix sisters, Susie and Fluffy. Over the last 35 years I've had anywhere from 1 to 6 dogs at a time, so I definitely have tons of dog and puppy stories to share! By the way, our dogs are going on 2 years straight with absolutely NO commercial pet food or dog treats. I like to make my own food and treats for my dogs.

The way to teach your dog some fun new tricks is to simply think about some things your dog does naturally without being asked. Then, give a specific 'command' to that behavior. From this point forward, whenever your dog does that behavior... call out that command. That's how you associate the behavior with the command. So, in the future, your dog will do this particular behavior on command.

If your dog eats too fast or gulps food quickly, this partitioned dog food bowl by DogPause might be the solution you're looking for. It's a fun way to get your food gulper to eat slowly!

If you have a new puppy and won't be able to take him out to pee and poop often enough, consider a dog litter box to help make housetraining easier. Our 2 Beagle pups love the doggie litter box. It definitely made housebreaking a smoother process in our home!