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Suzy Godsey

I travel worldwide to help facilitate the communication process between people and animals through workshops, courses, private consultation, and a popular radio show called Conversations With Dog.

How do you help a scared or nervous dog? (2 ways!) Should you comfort a scared dog? (No, see why.) How can I make my nervous dog more confident? (3 easy things you can do!)

When trying to get your dog to do something, your dog doesn't really understand what you are talking about. If you tell him what NOT to do, the message he gets is to DO exactly that! Here's how to understand dog communication and use it to your advantage with your dog.

Often, when a dog is having a hard time with car rides it is an issue from the dog's past. Somewhere the dog decided that car rides are bad, or even that cars altogether are bad things! Here are the steps for getting your dog comfortable with car rides...

A well-socialized dog will be much more relaxed in the world and less likely to have unwanted behaviors. Socializing your dog -- as a puppy -- is definitely a win-win for both you and your dog!

Don't get your dog from a pet shop. Often those puppies do not come from reputable breeders. You want a happy, healthy, and well-adjusted dog, not a sick or traumatized one. Following are some tips for choosing between a breeder or a shelter...

Here are my best tips for determining the 'right' dog for you... it all starts with asking the right questions.

We will be moving into a new house soon. I've asked Suzy Godsey -- who helped us train our dog to stop barking -- for some tips to help us get our through the move, with the least amount of stress. These are her best tips for moving with your dog...

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