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Aimee McGrath

I'm a health nut, a frugal mom, a dog lover, a DIYer, and a gadget girl. Personally, as a post-divorce, working single mom on a budget I have a lot of experiences that I enjoy sharing so others can learn from the things I wish I knew earlier! Professionally, I've worked full-time in a variety of marketing, sales, and editing jobs. You can always find me at the corner of Good News & Fun Times as Managing Editor at The Fun Times Guide (32 fun & helpful websites).

I think Beau's Dream Dog Park at Buchanan Park is the best off leash dog park in Lancaster PA. What you can expect + Tips for enjoying this beautiful park.

Knowing the symptoms of dog bloat could actually save your dog's life -- because bloat comes on quickly and can kill a dog within hours if left untreated. Here's what you need to know about the signs of bloat in dogs, risk factors that predispose your dog to getting bloat, and tips for preventing bloat in dogs.

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