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Valentine's Day Dog Tips

Want to dye your dog's fur a different color? The safest dog hair dye is food coloring (juice from colorful foods or organic food coloring). Here's how to do it

Our dogs lend us an ear, protect us from harm, and are loyal companions that love us unconditionally. Be sure to give your canine companion a gift that he'll enjoy. Here are some unique ideas to get you started...

Show some love to your favorite four-legged friend... your dog will surely enjoy one of these plush, heart-shaped dog beds!

Check out the following pictures of dog flowers. Some are made with REAL flowers. Others were created by placing a real dog behind a painted picture of a flower.Both are fun!

For the pampered puppy in your life -- or your girlfriend's life -- nothing beats this plush dog bed that's shaped like a big red rose petal!

If you've got a dog and you're single, are you taking full advantage of all the opportunities for you to find dates? Yep, your dog could help you get dates... Here's how.

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