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Pregnancy And Heat Cycles

Pyometra, a serious infection of the uterus, is a potentially deadly condition that affects unspayed female dogs. Symptoms & treatment for pyometra in dogs.

If your dog is about to give birth, here are the items you need to have ready before she goes into labor. Plus, an idea of what to expect at each of the 3 stages of your dog giving birth.

If you dog is pregnant with mixed breed pups and you're wondering what breed to call the puppies when they're born, or if you recently adopted a dog whose parents were from 2 different breeds and you're wondering what to call that new dog breed, check here for a list of over 300 new dog breed names! Your mixed breed dog might be an entirely new dog breed. We'll help you determine the new dog breed name.

Here are the nitty gritty details about dog birth -- from the stages of labor and delivery to the actual birthing process. You'll learn what to watch for and how to interact if your help is needed with one of the newborn puppies.

If you think your dog is pregnant, here's what to do, including the signs of pregnancy in a dog, gestation periods in dogs, and how to make your dog's pregnancy go the smoothest. Everything you need to know leading up to the birth of your dog's newborn puppies.

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